Monday 10 October 2016

Pieter Henning added 2 new photos — feeling furious.
I'm truly fed up..disgusted and heartbroken that i paid thousands for a phone and i can barely do stuff like log into my accounts,type or make a call etc because of a dead spot on the touchscreen. To replace the screen will cost the same amount as to buy another phone. Money i dont have to spend yet again after i just bought this phone a month ago! Replacing the screen wont help either. Its a software issue and LG knows about this on almost sll of their pjones (just go google or youtube itandull see) and they do ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING to fix it. We the owners of these defective devices just have yo bear with this shit until the day i lose it out of frustration and throw this piece of shit phone into pieces against a fucking wall !!!!!!!!!!!

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