Friday 25 October 2013

Good but could be better!

I had lunch here today, a beef burger, chips and cafĂ© late, while my mom was having her hair cut (first time in 3 months since she had her bad fall on 20 August).  The place serves good food but the atmosphere is bad, no music and the husband and wife who own it are not the most friendly hosts in the world!  A bit stand offish which projects itself as rudeness!  Maybe they are just reserved people.  I did ask the owner for a business card to promote her dining establishment on my blog, because despite the lack of  music I like the place, it has a nice European feel.

6/10 from me!

Friday 27 September 2013

shop till your internet typing finger drops!

I have never done so much shopping on the net before, however ever since my mom's bad fall on 20 August, we have bought groceries 4 times - once from Woolworths and 3 times from Pick 'n Pay, who are delivering more groceries to me tomorrow morning.  Pick 'n Pay offer the best service out of the two food stores, apart from the 3 or 4 grocery substitutes.  Woolies even delivered us Mr. Duncan's chips and peas  (which they never came to collect even though we phoned them to tell them this!), the delivery was 3 hours later than the time we booked too.  Pick 'n Pay charge R50 - R80 per time they deliver shopping to you whereas woolies online shopping service offers free delivery.

So Pnp best in my opinion!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Weeks Great Service - Netcare 082911 - who transported my mom to hospital this morning

Professional Caring Paramedics arrived within 5 minutes of my call to them this morning.  Thanks for a great service.

Saturday 13 July 2013


I had a super mid-mornig Breafast here today of French toast and a very good cuppucino.

Monday 1 July 2013

Kulula is insane... R684 to chance a flight I only paid R1183 for in the first place!#DaylightRobbery — feeling annoyed.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Cattle Baron here is always terrible dining experience!

I have  been to this cattle Baron 3 or 4 times before.  The staff there are useless and the food is awful, but always a free meal for me as usually a "work" sponsored meal!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

bad air

this is from a letter to the editor in the Cape Argus.
I love your airline and have never had any problems personally, when I have flown but this is awful service and your crew on this flight need a good talking to?  All low cost carriers have min time on the ground to keep revenue up but making sure you have enough air sick bags is kind of important?

Please sort this problem out Erik as it is impossible to get onto your customer care website too (I tried to post this item to you but it is not possible! -why do I care as this incident did not happen to me?  Because you are a super low cost airline in my opinion but is all in the detail?

Thursday 11 April 2013

Pick 'n pay West Coast Village

You offer excellent customer service.  You also have a nice, clean and well stocked supermarket

Monday 1 April 2013

sattelite TV in South Africa

  1. Peter
    You guy’s at Multichoice should change your name to No-choice. It will be a lot more appropriate. Have you even tried to sit down for a while, and contemplate how many billions in revenue the company is loosing annually through sheer stubbornness, and i suppose arrogance, because of a lack of competition. I’ll bet my last TenCent on the the company trebling their revenue if you give us all a choice. Then again, with billions invested in one sport sponsorship, with no return but a big thank u from Safa officials with fat bank accounts, you have to recoup the money from the old tried and cheated.
  2. evette
    why can’t dstv not have a price per chanel??? I am sure that I am not the first person to have such a request

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Customer Care Lesson 101: When it comes to customer care the people must not try to bend over backwards to deliver a service. Rather use the energy to deliver good customer care the first time around.

Monday 25 February 2013

A huge Thank you to the Lady who works in the ABSA Bank who noticed I had left my ATM card there!

I have never lost anything like that before, but there is always a first time for everything?

Monday 28 January 2013

I went here yesterday.  Great dinning room!  The food service had ended but we could have coffee which only cost R10 - really friendly hosts too!

Thursday 17 January 2013

This week's great service provider - Ultima Loyalty progam

Our great service provider award of this week goes to Ultima for their easy loyaty programme - buy 10 of their health products, collect the barcodes off your boxes place them on the loyalty form and they send you a selected product for free!  A realy easy programme for rewards?