Monday 1 April 2013

sattelite TV in South Africa

  1. Peter
    You guy’s at Multichoice should change your name to No-choice. It will be a lot more appropriate. Have you even tried to sit down for a while, and contemplate how many billions in revenue the company is loosing annually through sheer stubbornness, and i suppose arrogance, because of a lack of competition. I’ll bet my last TenCent on the the company trebling their revenue if you give us all a choice. Then again, with billions invested in one sport sponsorship, with no return but a big thank u from Safa officials with fat bank accounts, you have to recoup the money from the old tried and cheated.
  2. evette
    why can’t dstv not have a price per chanel??? I am sure that I am not the first person to have such a request

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