Thursday 16 July 2015

Dear Sir,
Attached please find a photograph of a Taxi that operates in the Tableview/Parklands area.
This taxi is heavily branded with your Deep Heat Logo, and clearly sponsored by your Company.
I wish to bring to your attention that the driver of this taxi is guilty of breaking the Law on numerous occasions during every single day that he drives around with your Company Logo displayed all over it!!
My question to you Sir is this:
Can there be any real value attached to paying to have your company's product displayed all over a vehicle that is constantly bringing it into disrepute by driving like a madman with zero regard for the rules of the road and other drivers, and putting peoples lives at risk??
This photo was taken on the corner of Blaauwberg and Raats in Tableview, and is a clear violation of the Law, as that is a red line demarcated area, where said taxi is blocking the left only turning lane by deliberately stopping and waiting for passengers.
His assistant can be seen on the left, calling prospective passengers, with clear disregard for anyone wanting to turn left.
Is THIS the way you want to see your product displayed and associated?
Just asking??
Best regards
Chris Swanson
071 871 2362
— feeling bad.

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